LifePoint Ministries is committed to spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the landscape of Georgia and beyond. In partnership with the IPHC, we offer a coaching program that focuses on revitalizing and providing strategies to see healthy growing churches. We are also committed to the Arise 2033 vision of the IPHC and would love for you to join us as we plant new churches in the state of Georgia.

Healthy, Growing, Multiplying Churches
LifePoint Ministries currently has two groups of pastors enrolled in the HGMC program, which allows them the opportunity to be trained by qualified coaches. This program provides leadership development and models that are enforced by systems and strategies to produce a healthy growing church. On-site training is a full day and takes place five times per year.
In addition to the on-site coaching sessions, online coaching sessions are provided. Using the Zoom Video Conference system, HGMC coaches will meet with your team, and provide practical models, strategies, and systems for you to create a healthy growing church. Online coaching takes place five times per year on opposite months of the onsite training.

Arise 2033
The Arise 2033 Team is made up of church planters, just like you, who have connected with one another in order to reach the harvest of souls in America desperate for hope—desperate for Jesus. We want to connect with you too! Together we can do more than we ever could alone.
Every member of the Arise 2033 coaching team has successfully planted at least one church. Some of our coaches have planted dozens of churches. All of our coaches stand ready to run this race with you. You don't have to do this alone!
Together, we form a community of fully-devoted, followers of Jesus, excited and ready to welcome you. Come be a part of this loving, committed tribe of Jesus-followers, church-planters, soul-winners! There’s a place here for you.