LifePoint Ministries offers an opportunity for Continuing Education through our Leadership Advancement Classes from September through May each year. Most classes are online with a few in-person classes as well.
If you would like to continue your ministry education or pursue credentials with the IPHC, these classes possibly are for you.
Description: Core curriculum for growth in spiritual, doctrinal, and ministerial leadership
Target Students: Ministers seeking to begin the journey to IPHC credentials and any others who would like to be a leader or strengthen leadership skills in the local church
Instructors: Pastor Michael Emmett, Bishop Tim Lamb
Next Class Dates: 9/21/21 (Zoom Orientation 10:00 am) 10/19/24, 11/16/24, 12/21/24, 1/18/25, 2/15/25, 4/19/25, 5/17/25 (Zoom Class 10:00 am – 12:30 pm), 3/14/25 (in-person class 7:00 – 9:00 pm), 3/15/25 (in-person class 9:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Registration Deadline: August 31, 2024
Description: Guidance for consistent Biblical study looking at the bible as a commensurate whole.
Target Students: Ministers who have completed the foundational course and are seeking to obtain Local Church Certificate and any others who would like to improve personal Biblical study.
Instructors: Pastor Matt Brown, Pastor Kenneth Edge
Next Class Dates: 1/4/25, 2/1/25 (Zoom classes 10:00 am-11:30 am), 3/1/25 (in-person class 10:00 am-12:00 pm)
Registration Deadline: January 4, 2025
Description: Guidance for consistent Godly living and how this impacts ministerial leadership.
Target Students: Ministers who have completed the foundational course and are seeking to obtain a Local Church Certificate and any others who would like to better understand and apply Biblical traits.
Instructor: Rev. Ted Coody
Next Class Dates: TBD
Registration Deadline: TBD
Description: Guidance for leading and ministering to today's generation of teens and young adults.
Target Students: Ministers who have received the Local Church Certificate and any others who feel
called to leadership in youth ministry
Instructor: Rev. Matthew Smith
Next Class Dates: 1/19/25 (Zoom Orientation 4:00 pm), 2/8/25, 3/8/25 (Zoom classes 10:00 am-11:30 am), 4/12/25 (in-person class 10:00 am-12:00 pm)
Registration Deadline: January 18, 2025
Description: Instruction for leading in church and secular settings in a manner that follows the Holy Spirit's direction and God's agenda
Target Students: Ministers who have received the Local Church Certificate and any others who feel called to leadership of all types but desire to do so in a Spirit-led manner (credit toward Licensed Minister)
Instructor: Pastor Terry Kesling
Next Class Dates: TBD
Registration Deadline: TBD
Description: Direction for counseling patrons during the diverse challenges of today's culture while maintaining Biblical standards in a pastoral setting
Target Students: Ministers who have received the Local Church Certificate and feel called to minister in the pastoral arena (credit toward Licensed Minister)
Instructor: Pastor Doug Studdard
Next Class Dates: 2/22/25, 3/22/25 (zoom Class 10:00 am-11:30 am), 4/26/25(in-person class 10:00 am-12:00 pm)
Registration Deadline: February 15, 2025
Description: A deeper study to grow our understanding of the Book of Acts, the operation of the early church, the working of the Holy Spirit in this context, and how all of this applies to the church today.
Target Students: Licensed Ministers looking to progress to ordination and Ordained Ministers who want to continue their education and Biblical studies.
Instructors: Pastor John Case
Next Class Dates: TBD
Registration Deadline: TBD
Description: Direction for Biblical teaching in a manner that directs actions and livelihood rather than simply providing information
Target Students: Licensed Ministers looking to progress to ordination and Ordained Ministers who want to continue their education and Biblical studies.
Instructor: Pastor Matt Brown
Next Class Dates: 3/8/25, 4/5/25 (Zoom Class 10:30 am) 5/3/25 (In Person 10:30 am)
Registration Deadline: February 15, 2025
Leadership Advancement Registration
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